3 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Implementing a Barcode Solution

Bridging the Gap Barcodes are not only for grocery stores and libraries anymore. From tracking textbooks in schools to trees in the rainforests, it seems like people are getting more and more creative with how they track information every day. But turning this creativity into a tangible solution requires knowledge and planning. Therefore, this blog…

Paper Cuts, Barcodes, and the College Board, Part 2

Thanks for stopping back to read Part 2 of my blog about tracking the massive amounts of paperwork involved with Advanced Placement (AP) high school courses and the College Board. In case you missed it, you can read Part 1 here. Keeping Track of Over 4,000,000 Exams The College Board is the company that develops…

Paper Cuts, Barcodes, and the College Board, Part 1

Paper or Digital? Remember that phone book you used to look numbers up in? And then eventually you stuck in a drawer somewhere and pulled it out about once a year? It’s all online now. Or how about when you wanted to show someone a picture? It probably took a little more thought than the…