Material and Printing Options for Barcoded Patient Wristbands

You’ve decided to deploy barcoded patient wristbands, but what wristband materials and what printing options should you select? Zebra Technologies’ recent white paper, It’s All in the Wrist: Improving Patient Safety with Barcode Wristbands, provides valuable insight into the competing considerations that will drive those decisions. Wristband Materials First and foremost, the wristband you deploy…

Symbology Options on Barcoded Patient Wristbands

My previous posts on the Zebra Technologies‘ white paper, It’s All in the Wrist: Improving Patient Safety with Barcode Wristbands, have considered various medical and non-medical applications specific to barcoded patient wristbands, but I’ve neglected until now to touch on the aspect of selecting the optimum barcode symbology, and, given the many options, this is…

Non-Medical Applications with Barcoded Patient Wristbands

In this my fourth comment on Zebra Technologies’ white paper, It’s All in the Wrist: Improving Patient Safety with Barcode Wristbands, I’d like to touch on the potential non-medical applications of barcoded patient wristbands, specifically those related to administrative and accounting record keeping, as well as those that facilitate the mundane functions such as inventory…

Barcoded Patient Wristbands and Treatment

I’ve previously commented on the medication- and blood-administration aspects of Zebra Technologies’ recent white paper entitled It’s All in the Wrist: Improving Patient Safety with Barcode Wristbands, but that important resource covers other critical barcode wristband applications as well. As with medication and blood administration, The Joint Commission treats tracking of treatments and procedures as…

Barcoded Patient Wristbands and Blood Administration

I was recently inspired by Zebra Technologies’ white paper, It’s All in the Wrist: Improving Patient Safety with Barcode Wristbands, to comment on the increasing role of barcoded patient wristbands in ensuring accuracy of delivery and record keeping of medication administration. But, that’s not the only topic covered by that important Zebra resource. Barcode technology…

Barcoded Patient Wristbands and Medication Administration

Recent legislation and regulatory provisions designed to escalate U.S. implementation of electronic health record (EHR) systems have elevated the status of barcoded patient wristbands to that of essential technology. This is just one of the revelations I gleaned from the recent Zebra Technologies white paper, It’s All in the Wrist: Improving Patient Safety with Barcode…

Are you using the right barcode scanner for healthcare?

It has become common practice for hospitals and other healthcare facilities to use barcode scanners to improve patient care on a daily basis.   Patient wristbands are barcoded, allowing the medical facility to track its patients, dispense medication accurately and to the correct patient, perform the correct procedure on the correct patient, and keep accurate records…

6 Ways to Use Barcodes in Hospitals

One of the biggest changes seen in the healthcare field is the introduction of barcodes in almost every application. Typically seen on a patient’s wristband, hospitals now have barcodes on almost everything, some of which you may have never heard of. Here are 6 Ways to Use Barcodes in a Hospital:  Patient Wristbands o Upon…

Posting Barcodes on Social Media: Safe or Not?

Barcodes are wonderfully useful in so many applications. The world simply wouldn’t be the same without them. But when it comes to safety and security, it is important to remember that the information contained in a barcode CAN be stolen – and recent news headlines have alerted us to the fact that barcodes accidentally posted…

Providing A Safety Net For Those Of Us Who Are “Only Human”

For more than 20 years, the same doctor served as my general practitioner, and during those years the medical records he maintained on me were all on paper and grew from a few pages in a single folder to an impressively-thick stack of pages bound in that same folder. He not only knew my medical…