Are you Spending Too Much Time & Money on Your Warehouse Processes? Reduce Manual Processes.

It is highly likely that you spend a significant amount of time trying to come up with ways in which you can boost worker productivity without taxing the worker or the company’s capital expenditures.  Many organizations are now using wireless scanning devices, in partnership with a warehouse management system (WMS) to bring real‐time computing and…

The Advantech Ideal Box – ARK Box of Ideas

Advantech’s Ideal Box offers a far more constructive (and benign) template, one that greatly simplifies the translation of your industrial-computing ideas into actual, optimal, custom solutions. The Ideal Box system offers a logically sequenced process for determining key features of your design and for communicating them to Advantech’s Solution Integration Service (SIS). The Ideal Box…

Reducing Downtime with the Right Bar Code Scanning or Mobile Device

Many companies are working to get every bit of use out of their existing equipment in their warehouse operations, while trying to reduce overhead costs at the same time.  As a result, this has forced an awareness of the importance of support and maintenance services to keep data collection equipment in good working order, and…

True Heroes, Part II: QR Codes to the Rescue!

Hooray for Mercedes-Benz – or more specifically, Benz manufacturer Daimler, the first car maker to implement the use of QR codes on vehicles to provide emergency workers with quick access to vehicle information at accident scenes. Even if you don’t know what a QR code is, I’m sure you’ve seen them around. QR codes are…

Advantech’s ARK-3440F-U5A2E: A Highly-Configurable Core-i7 Fanless IPC

For applications that call for fanless embedded box industrial PCs, we most often consider systems deploying low power-consumption processors such as offered by Intel’s Atom series. A prime example is Advantech’s ARK-3403 that features the efficiency of either Intel’s D510 or D525 Atom processors. But delivery of the most highly-configurable embedded box PCs requires the…

Better Data In, Better Data Out – Improve Productivity with WMS

There is a lot of talk about improving workforce productivity with data automation, and it’s not too difficult to identify the areas that lead to increased profitability — like increased customer satisfaction and ability to handle more orders in the same amount of time.  But what are some of the other “behind the scenes” productivity…

Self-service? Bring it on!

I stopped by the grocery store on the way to work today and used one of its self-service checkout kiosks.  Experience tells me it’s faster than the full-service lines, and I was pressed for time.  Truth is, whether short of time, or not, I’m more likely these days to use a self-service checkout than full-service,…

How Mobile Devices Are Changing Delivery of Healthcare

A 2012 survey conducted for the Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS) found that: 89% of clinicians use laptops, 53% use smartphones, 49% use cell phones, 47% use tablet computers, and 52% believe mobile technology will “substantially impact the delivery of healthcare.” When asked to rank on a 0-to-5 scale their areas of concern…

The Zebra Technologies User Guide to Lean Manufacturing

Zebra Technologies’ recent white paper, Eliminate 7 Wastes from Your Supply Chain with Real-Time Asset Management Solutions, could have just as easily been titled The User Guide to Lean Manufacturing.  Like any effective user guide, it identifies specific problems, details solutions to those problems and offers implementation examples. As the title suggests, this guide identifies…