Catching Up with Advantech on YouTube

It wasn’t long ago that I disdained YouTube as the place people went to catch up on the latest in amateur videos featuring cat antics, bad rap and, well, worse. Shows what little I know. Now, I count online videos among my go-to sources for information on the latest in tech. L-Tron even has a…

“I Ate Your Halloween Candy, You did WHAT?!”

Witches, ghosts, pumpkins, and candy are all words that you can associate with Halloween.  I mean who doesn’t love Halloween? You get to dress up and get free candy! I always loved trick-or-treating and then trading with my friends and family for the best candy…Reese’s, M&Ms, and Junior Mints.  And you can’t forget about that…

Bringing Mobile to the Point of Sale

We’re always looking for ways to do things faster, but efficiency is a key player in the process.  With the busiest shopping days of the year heading this way, retailers want to make sure it’s smooth sailing for consumers.  For many, that means integrating a mobile device for POS. Luckily, with tighter budgets and fewer…

Of Smartphones and Gaming Enterprises

I spent way too much of last weekend cleaning unmentionable crud out of my Smartphone. No, I didn’t drop it in the toilet. In that case, I’d know whom to blame – me – and the lesson would have been clear: Don’t take your Smartphone into the bathroom! Instead, hidden away in its internal storage,…

Ease of Use Just Got a Little Easier

Small. Light. Portable. Simple.  These words have quickly become part of our vocabulary in an age of “can’t wait” “what’s next” and “I want it now”.  For some, it’s just for convenience.  For others, it’s a whole new world of efficiency when a new product comes along that seems leaps and bounds above the rest. …

RFID and RTLS, What is the Difference?

RFID? RTLS? Are they the same thing? Sure, each acronym has a distinct root meaning, but I still hear and read RFID and RTLS used interchangeably. So, which should we use when? Fortunately, Zebra Technologies has published a white paper, RTLS 101: What It Is and Why You Need It, that distinguishes RTLS from RFID…

Transitioning to Widescreen, Multi-Touch Monitors for Optimum Efficiency

I’d been a loyal user of Microsoft Office (Word specifically) for years, but somewhere between one iteration and another I hit the “why-can’t-they-leave-good-enough-alone?” wall. I ended up switching to the OpenOffice counterpart, which has since remained the closest thing I could find to that previous, good-enough version of Word. That is, until the announcement of OpenOffice…

Follow or Get out of the Store

In retail today, the competition is fierce.  Considerable changes in customer expectations over the years have put increasing pressure on the customer service function. In order to differentiate themselves, retailers are working hard to find ways to improve customer interactions in innovative and techno-savvy formats.  They are also looking to create high-performance operational environments as…

Delivering New Era Strategies for Item-Level RFID Tracking

While perhaps most famous for its edgy marketing campaigns, publicly traded American Apparel also managed to gain unintended notoriety throughout its 24-year history as an easy mark for theft – so much so that a novel was published in 2009 under the title, Shoplifting From American Apparel. So, in 2011-12 the company got serious about…

Optical Bonding for Daylight Viewability

You might not notice it when viewing a daylight scene through a picture window, but no glass surface is absolutely transparent. Indeed, a typical air-to-glass interface reflects a significant percentage of the visible spectrum of light. Each air-to-glass interface reflects about 4% of incident light. Because a single pane of glass has two air-to-glass interfaces…