Advantech Enters Strategic Alliances with Intel and Wind River for IoT Applications, Part 2: Intel Intelligent Systems Framework

In a previous post, I covered Part 1 (Content of the IoT) of Advantech product engineer Ken Chang’s enlightening PowerPoint presentation entitled UTX-3115 for Internet of Things (IoT) Applications. Chang’s full presentation is available here. To address the challenges of IoT implementation outlined in Part 1, Intel introduced its Intelligent Systems Framework (ISF), the subject…

Advantech Enters Strategic Alliances with Intel and Wind River for IoT Applications, Part 1: Content of the IoT

Advantech product engineer Ken Chang recently gave an enlightening presentation entitled UTX-3115 for Internet of Things (IoT) Applications, available here. It details not only the design philosophy behind Advantech’s UTX-3115, but also how Advantech’s strategic alliance with Intel and Wind River made possible the delivery of a comprehensive IoT-gateway solution within the compact footprint of…

Zebra and LifeMed ID, A Symbiotic Alliance for Greater Patient Safety

Although Zebra Technologies had long since established its position as a world-class provider of patient-identification tools, it recently strengthened its already formidable patient-ID solutions by entering a strategic alliance with LifeMed ID, Inc. This symbiotic alliance integrates LifeMed ID’s unique Cloud-based patient-authentication systems with Zebra’s secure printers to achieve even greater certainty and efficiency to…

Solving the IoT “Basket of Remotes” Problem

My neighbor called from work recently to ask, first, if I was home and, if so, would I check to see if she’d left her curling iron plugged in. She’s a nurse who works a night shift, and the “would you check my …” call has become such a recurring theme that she long ago…

Zebra Technologies Zatar: IoT Made Simple

In October 2013, Zebra Technologies announced Zatar, an open-platform, plug-and-play, cloud-based solution to connect and control your Internet of Things devices, wherever those devices might be. Zatar’s simple, intuitive interface also allows collaboration with all members of your extended team to, as Zebra puts it, “Share data. Take action.” Plus, the Zatar interface is optimized…

Good Advice from Zebra for Securing IoT-Connected Card Printers

With more than 10 billion devices now connected to the Internet – up from a mere 200 million in the year 2000 – projected to exceed 50 billion “things” by 2020 as the Internet of Things transitions to the “Internet of Everything,” cyber-security challenges are increasing exponentially. For those who commit fully, the benefits of the…

Zebra: Knitting Your IoT Links

Our blogs have covered the Internet of Things concept before, and undoubtedly will again and again as our industry-leading technology partners develop the myriad of innovations required to transform IoT from concept to reality. The fact is, lots of bloggers are focusing on IoT these days, many bemoaning that its promise isn’t being fulfilled more…

The Internet of Things (IOT)

Since the concept, The Internet of Things, was conceived by Kevin Ashton in the late 1990s, much has changed with regard to the technologies available for realization of his vision. Ashton worried that the majority of data available via the Internet was filtered through the people who created and input that data, causing a bias…