MI/O Extension SBCs: Off-the-Shelf Solutions to Custom I/O Challenges

You reported to work this morning and discovered that among the day’s challenges is configuring an embedded-computing solution that integrates two Gigabit Ethernet ports plus at least two RS-232 serial ports. Designing and building custom boards is expensive and time consuming, but what other option do you have? Where are you going to find an…

Barcode Scanning And Weight Loss: What Is The Connection?

One Sunday, I was watching the Travel Channel’s show Mysteries at the Museum, and lo, and behold it was about the first barcode. Now that I’m an “expert” on barcode history, I can tell you that barcodes first came on the scene back in the late 1960s and early 1970s. At first barcodes were developed…

Zebra and LifeMed ID, A Symbiotic Alliance for Greater Patient Safety

Although Zebra Technologies had long since established its position as a world-class provider of patient-identification tools, it recently strengthened its already formidable patient-ID solutions by entering a strategic alliance with LifeMed ID, Inc. This symbiotic alliance integrates LifeMed ID’s unique Cloud-based patient-authentication systems with Zebra’s secure printers to achieve even greater certainty and efficiency to…

Solving the IoT “Basket of Remotes” Problem

My neighbor called from work recently to ask, first, if I was home and, if so, would I check to see if she’d left her curling iron plugged in. She’s a nurse who works a night shift, and the “would you check my …” call has become such a recurring theme that she long ago…

What’s So Great About A Data Collection Solution?

Barcode scanners provide an efficient, easy-to-use data collection solution for all sorts of industries. From healthcare to retail, companies are discovering the numerous benefits of implementing a barcoding solution.  Here’s just one example: Imagine that you work for one of the largest food distributors in the nation. You are at your monthly corporate meeting and…

Zebra Technologies WhereNet RTLS Solutions Deliver Efficiency & Savings to U.S. Air Force & Army Installations

I’ve written previously about deployment of Zebra Technologies real-time locating systems (RTLS) solutions in the critical flight-line operations of the aerospace and defense industries, but aerospace and defense applications go well beyond the flight-line. For example, Zebra’s RTLS solutions were incorporated by Robins Air Force Base in Georgia to provide real-time asset visibility in a…

The Cure: A Patient Portal to the World

I visit a bed-ridden family member in an extended-care facility regularly. For furniture, the patient’s room is equipped with a traditional adjustable hospital bed, a narrow over-bed table, a small bed-side table, and several chairs for visitors. A desktop, corded telephone is on the bed-side table, together with assorted toiletries and other sundries. The over-bed…

How To Improve Efficiencies With Mobile Computers

Manual process presents challenges in areas of organization and real-time visibility. Improving your inventory management through the use of mobile computing will reduce errors by improving accuracy, saving time for better resource allocation and give you the visibility you need. This type of inventory management/tracking technology is especially important in the highly competitive and growing…

Zebra Technologies Zatar: IoT Made Simple

In October 2013, Zebra Technologies announced Zatar, an open-platform, plug-and-play, cloud-based solution to connect and control your Internet of Things devices, wherever those devices might be. Zatar’s simple, intuitive interface also allows collaboration with all members of your extended team to, as Zebra puts it, “Share data. Take action.” Plus, the Zatar interface is optimized…

On Choosing a Network Topology

I know of no better route to understanding a topic than starting with the big picture before narrowing in on its micro details, and history is generally the best introduction to that big-picture overview. I was reminded of this while recently studying Advantech’s white paper, Understanding Device Level Connection Topologies, an excellent resource that covers…