Ethernet, The De Facto Networking Standard for the 21st Century

I introduced Advantech’s white paper, Industrial Bus and Network Standards, in a previous blog post and highlighted the overriding advantages that standardization brings to industry as: Maximized Economies of Scale Constructive Specialization Facilitation of Strategic Alliances When it comes to enterprise and home computing technology, there is no better example of each of these advantages…

Industrial Network Standards

I like the white-paper form of business-to-business reporting, and Advantech has served up a perfect example of why with, Industrial Bus and Network Standards. Not only does it add interesting historical context to the communications formats that are by now so familiar to us all, but it reminds us just how critical such standards are…

Of Pirates and Sunlight-Readable Platforms

In one of my favorite episodes, the MythBusters tested a theory on why pirates are classically depicted as wearing eye patches. Was it to cover empty eye sockets, or because of some more mundane aspect of their shipboard lives? The MythBusters concluded that pirates wore eye patches to keep one eye fully dark adapted, something…

Advantech’s Smallest Embedded Box PC Is Post-Apocalypse-Ready

When considering the ruggedness and overall fitness for challenging service of any high-tech equipment, I apply the Post-Apocalypse-Readiness Test. Will it stand up to lonely years of critical service in a fortified post-apocalyptic-wasteland bunker? When it comes to that well-documented environment, with all its heat, quakes, dust and hordes of slow-shuffling zombies trying to get…

Advantech: Making Renewable Energy Practical

Whatever your position on the present and future scarcity of fossil fuels, the ecological and climatic effects of carbon emissions or the economic merits of renewable energy sources, most of us can agree that there is much to gain and little to lose in prudent conservation of fossil-fuel resources, and that, in turn, means relying…

Advantech’s Growing Line of Embedded Platforms Based upon Intel’s Gen-2 Core i7 Processors

By now, you know Advantech as an industry-leading embedded platform and integration-services provider, a position that was further strengthened by its introduction of a new series of embedded boards that feature the performance, efficiency and integrated Intel HD graphics power of Intel’s 2nd-Generation Core i7 processors. Advantech is a Premier Member of Intel’s Embedded Alliance…

Shushing Industrial Computers

Work duties once called for me to stay overnight in a small room containing a variety of equipment, including three running PCs. I didn’t notice the noise while busy working among them, but when it came time to sleep, their combined disharmonious noises were maddening. Who knew that what felt by day like benign white…

The Interoperability Challenge

A recent survey found that 58% of IT professionals considered interoperability – the ability of various enterprise systems to interact with other systems within the enterprise – to be their greatest challenge. During my 10 years of selling industrial computer products, I have found that there are more legacy applications being run today than one…

Industrial Ethernet Solutions

Industry has come to rely so heavily on the omnipresent Ethernet switch that it’s easily taken for granted. Ethernet switches serve as the building blocks of networks and act as network traffic cops, ensuring collision-free data flow, while maximizing network capacity and uptime, and simplifying network expansion to meet dynamic industrial needs. The bywords of…

X-Ring Technology

In today’s highly automated, 24/7/365 manufacturing facilities, where downtime is extremely costly making network redundancy and maximization of uptime absolutely critical to success of the enterprise, managed Ethernet switches reign supreme. These switches incorporate secondary processors that allow the engineer to manage a myriad of settings and advanced services to optimize detection of redundant paths…