Customizable System Configurations to Facilitate Test & Measurement Applications

As L-Tron Corporation expands its repertoire of end to end solutions, industrial consumers can now acquire high-quality, customizable system configurations from two of the most distinguished names in industrial computing. L-Tron, partnered with Advantech Corporation and Bud Industries, provides industrial computers and enclosures that are thoroughly compatible and tailored to customer requirements. The combination of…

Keyboards, Pointing Devices and Monitors for Heavy Duty Work

L-Tron Corporation has developed a reputation for providing reliable industrial and ruggedized computers that withstand the harshest of environments. In addition, L-Tron’s lesser-known iKey computing accessories are just as impressive, standing up to the challenge of executing top-performance within harsh conditions. Conceived with industrial, medical, military and public safety applications in mind, iKey produces keyboards,…

Product Focus: QuickBooks Software

At, we have started our spring cleaning process. We want to try and actually be done with all of our cleaning before the weather gets very nice and we are stuck inside. Have you started your spring cleaning? As you dust your shelves, empty out old filing cabinets, and wipe off computer screens, don’t…

Light Up the Night: Illuminated Keyboards

Are you a writer who prefers to create at night or in the early hours of the morning? Are you a computer video gamer who likes to play with the lights off? Are you a reporter on assignment and the only time you actually have to finish your article is at night? Having a hard…

Mobile Computers: Making Your Business Efficient

Barcode scanners are a useful tool in terms of inventory, product identification, and a variety of other means.  But an employee who must carry a barcode scanner will often need to return to a computer to upload or process information. What if that employee could keep a computer with them at all time?  It is…

iKey Keyboards: Powerful Computing for Your Industrial Facility

An industrial keyboard featuring an integrated pointing device, an illuminated, mobile industrial keyboard, a NEMA 4X-rated keyboard enclosed in an ABS polycarbonate case, a NVIS Green B-compliant NEMA 4X keyboard, a NEMA 4X keyboard with an integrated RF card reader, an extremely low-emission keyboard with integrated pointing device, a MIL-461-approved keyboard with an integrated pointing…

Stay Connected with Rugged Laptops!

When you need to get out in the field to get the job done, it’s important to always have the right tools on hand. Luckily, with a little help from, you’ll never be caught without a connection back to your offices. By using a rugged laptop or tablet computer, you’re not just staying connected…

3 Ways to Secure Your Computer Network

As with any business, it’s important to focus on security. Your network is no exception. If you’re looking to keep your business safe and connected, you need to be sure that you’re taking all of the right steps. Let get you started with five easy tips for securing and ensuring the safety of your…