Field Visits and Beyond: The Duties of a CPS Caseworker

We have a brand-new mobile solution that is specially designed for caseworkers in the Child Protective Services (CPS), Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), and Department of Social Services (DSS) realms. When the solution was first introduced, it was brand-new to me, so one of my co-workers explained the details and I decided to…

The Story of 5 Foster Children and a Caseworker

My husband and I have been great friends with another couple for years. Last year, this couple – let’s call them “Bob” and “Betty” – did one of the most amazing things…ever! They took in FIVE foster children, siblings ranging from infancy through 8 years old. I think it goes without saying that Bob and Betty’s…

How to Select the Correct Printer Ribbon

Thermal printers and ribbon selection is a common topic I see come up when talking with customers. While it is easy to select one extreme or another in terms of the cost, an expensive ribbon does not always equal the best performance in this category. So how should you select the correct ribbon for your printer?…

Tracking Endangered Humpback Whales in Hawaii

My family just got back from a week-long vacation on Maui. People keep asking me how the trip was and I never know quite how to answer… Amazing. Wonderful. Perfect. Without-a-hitch. The problem is that I don’t really know how to put what we experienced into words. Between the beach, the pools, the views, the…

Should Apple unlock its iOS for the FBI?

On February 9, 2016, the U.S. Department of Justice ordered Apple, Inc., to unlock the iPhone 5C used by one of the shooters in the attack that killed 14 people at the Inland Regional Center in San Bernardino, California, on December 2, 2015. Vital Information on an iPhone The FBI believes that Syed Farook’s phone—which…