9 Best Practices for Cloud Security

Businesses are steadily navigating to the cloud for enterprise computing. The access, scalability, and flexibility are commonly observed benefits. Learn more about enterprise cloud computing here. The 2015 State of the Cloud Survey reported that 93% of enterprises are adopting the cloud, with 88% saying they’re using a public cloud. The use of the public…

New President, New Technology

Have you ever considered – really considered – how times have changed from the inauguration of our first President? As Donald Trump was sworn in as the 45th United States President last week, our country had already seen so many huge changes in technology. Take a look at Presidential Technology Changes: Inauguration 1789: President George…

Decision-Making Made Easy with CPS Reporting Tool

How many decisions do you make on a daily basis? Google estimates that most adults make 35,000 decisions each day! While some decisions, such as what you are going to wear that day, may not have a huge impact, other decisions can have a significant impact the lives of others. In the child protective services…

How is CPS Case Information Kept Secure with ChildFirst?

If you’re reading this blog, chances are that you’ve already heard about our ChildFirst Mobile Solution that reduces caseworkers’ paperwork burdens by streamlining the reporting process. Well, one of the most frequently asked questions we get about ChildFirst is: How can caseworkers can keep information secure when making the move from paper to digital? Although the term…

A Giving Spirit

One of the best things about working for a company like L-Tron is the people I work with. Every month, our calendars quickly fill up with fun events, such as birthday celebrations, company BBQs, and local outings that break up the monotony of the work week. It seems like at least once every week or…

5 FAQs About Going Mobile with ChildFirst

Here at L-Tron, we’ve been busy these past few months talking to anybody and everybody about our new ChildFirst Solution for Child Protective Services. It has been great to chat with these folks at conferences, on the phone, and in meetings to determine what agencies NEED from us when it comes to making the change…

The Connection – The Serial Port: Part II

In our last blog, I discussed the world of the USB connection and a little bit of background on the various types of interfaces you may see. Moving forward, we take a look at one of the early types of connections but one still found commonly on printers and industrial computers, the Serial port. Disclaimer:…

The Connection – The USB: Part I

In the world of computers, printers, barcode scanners, and basically anything electronic, there exists a wide range and ever-changing environment of interfaces (connections) used to transmit power and information. In this kind of environment, it is easy to get lost between the various interfaces and makes selecting the right one challenging, to say the least….

8 Secure Ways to Fill Out CPS Paperwork without a Pen and Paper

I know. You just read the title and are thinking, “Yeah, right!” But I am dead serious. The ChildFirst Mobile Solution gets the job done, without using pen and paper…or pencil…or marker…or any type of handwriting tool.     First you should know that there are two critical components of the ChildFirst Solution: A Mobile…