How Can Technology Keep Me Safe?

Technology has not only made the way for communities to make improvements and bring the life back to certain areas, but it also has had a significant, positive impact in Law Enforcement.  Technology has allowed officials to not only keep our communities safer, but has also helped them to mitigate their own risk, which is…

Grocery Stores, Coupons, and Mobile Scanning

I would consider myself to be a food enthusiast.  I love to cook, bake, and I am definitely not afraid to try different types of food, well to a certain extent.  I have become the master to homemade Pad Thai, as well as baking anything that involves chocolate.   Now that it is the Holidays, I…

Big Data To The Rescue!

What is Big Data and how is it used?  We get this question a lot.  We defi ne big data as huge amounts of data collected through the public sector.  It’s all the data compiled from police departments, the DMV, the DOT, our courthouses, etc.  There are others, like retailers, who also collect data that…

For the Love of Football!

Football season is about halfway over and my favorite team is not doing as bad as they usually do. Maybe there is hope their losing curse/streak is almost over.  No I am not going to tell you which team it is, but I will give you a hint. Fans of my team will always be…

Good Advice from Zebra for Securing IoT-Connected Card Printers

With more than 10 billion devices now connected to the Internet – up from a mere 200 million in the year 2000 – projected to exceed 50 billion “things” by 2020 as the Internet of Things transitions to the “Internet of Everything,” cyber-security challenges are increasing exponentially. For those who commit fully, the benefits of the…

Bringing Mobile to the Point of Sale

We’re always looking for ways to do things faster, but efficiency is a key player in the process.  With the busiest shopping days of the year heading this way, retailers want to make sure it’s smooth sailing for consumers.  For many, that means integrating a mobile device for POS. Luckily, with tighter budgets and fewer…

Ease of Use Just Got a Little Easier

Small. Light. Portable. Simple.  These words have quickly become part of our vocabulary in an age of “can’t wait” “what’s next” and “I want it now”.  For some, it’s just for convenience.  For others, it’s a whole new world of efficiency when a new product comes along that seems leaps and bounds above the rest. …

RFID and RTLS, What is the Difference?

RFID? RTLS? Are they the same thing? Sure, each acronym has a distinct root meaning, but I still hear and read RFID and RTLS used interchangeably. So, which should we use when? Fortunately, Zebra Technologies has published a white paper, RTLS 101: What It Is and Why You Need It, that distinguishes RTLS from RFID…

Follow or Get out of the Store

In retail today, the competition is fierce.  Considerable changes in customer expectations over the years have put increasing pressure on the customer service function. In order to differentiate themselves, retailers are working hard to find ways to improve customer interactions in innovative and techno-savvy formats.  They are also looking to create high-performance operational environments as…