Retail 2D – Empowering Store Associates

People, including the people who serve as your store associates, enjoy solving problems. Okay, maybe not that one guy – we’ll consider him the exception to the rule – but, in general, people feel a sense of accomplishment when solving problems, particularly the problems faced by others. When your store associates are empowered to solve…

Retail 2D – Creating Customer Service Points

I’ve already dedicated several posts to Retail 2D, a white paper written by London-based Honeywell Marketing Manager, Enzo Capobianco, in large part because it opened my eyes more fully to the dynamics of the mobile-oriented consumer and the resulting potential of mobile marketing strategies. Capobianco terms them the New Connected Shoppers, and I agree that…

Wireless Printing as a Management Tool

Whether they learn it from a seminar or glean it instead from years of hard-earned experience, most seasoned managers eventually realize that, when it comes to motivation and skill, they have four basic categories of employees: Those who have neither the motivation nor skills required of the job, Those who have the motivation, but not…

Retail 2D – Implementing Mobile 2D Barcodes

I previously posted an overview of the Honeywell Scanning & Mobility white paper, Retail 2D, while promising more detail on several of its key concepts, including implementation of the mobile 2D barcodes that are central to its customer-centric strategies. Retail 2D introduced the concept of the New Connected Shopper, a consumer who is employing mobile…

Overloaded Retail Return Processing – Wireless Printing After the Sale

Because I am primarily a visual learner, I’m helped most by those written descriptions that allow me to envision in concrete images the various stages of the processes they describe, and I had just that experience while reading Zebra Technologies’ white paper, Wireless Printing Delivers Efficiency and Cost Savings in Retail, as it described how…

Retail 2D – Brick and Mortar Still Dominates

Among the revelations that struck me as most surprising while reading the Honeywell Scanning & Mobility white paper, Retail 2D, was that the physical store is still the preferred shopping venue. Given the constant reporting in recent years of encroachment of online shopping into the retail market, it was easy to conclude that the days…

Plant Nursery Wireless Printing, Logistics Applications

The village of Forrest Hill has less than 500 citizens, yet is home to more than 60 commercial nurseries, most of which are large, wholesale/retail operations representing the culmination of multi-generation family endeavors. The typical Forrest Hill nursery encompasses business functions ranging from production to warehousing to direct wholesale and retail sales to multi-state wholesale…

Retail 2D – The New Connected Shopper

Honeywell Scanning & Mobility’s white-paper library is a resource I refer to regularly in my effort to stay abreast of the rapidly evolving mobile computing and scanning industry. With so much data and frivolous opinion populating the Internet, it’s reassuring to know that Honeywell’s findings are based on proven data evaluated by industry leading experts….

Wireless Printing in Retail Applications

In a recent blog post inspired by Zebra Technologies’ white paper, Wireless Printing Delivers Efficiency and Cost Savings in Retail, I recalled the bad-old days when the mobility of every electrical appliance was limited by the length of its heavy power cord. As for wireless communications, those were all one-way exchanges consisting of transmissions rated…