5 Reasons Why a Package Tracking Solution Might Be Right For You

Whether you’re tracking packages for your campus or delivering dry cleaning clothes for customers, the challenges faced can be quite similar. In these types of settings, not being able to tell customers where items are – or flat out losing them – can be detrimental to your success. Here are five reasons why a Package Tracking Solution might be right for you:

  1. The Dolphin Black 70e is a great choice as a mobile device for package tracking.

    The Dolphin Black 70e is a great choice as a mobile device for package tracking.

    Proof of Delivery – If you have ever found yourself playing a game of “he said, she said” with the intended recipient of a delivered item about whether or not the item was actually delivered, you know how valuable proof of delivery can be. And what can make matters worse, it always seems like it’s the customer who was waiting on something one-of-a-kind or a some sort of family heirloom, which makes the conversation that much more difficult to have. Having proof of delivery in these instances, whether it be a signature or picture, is invaluable! Thankfully a solid Package Tracking Solution will offer this feature.

  2. Real-Time Status Updates – If you’re in the business of servicing people waiting on items to be delivered, you are probably all too familiar with the famed question, “Where is my package?!?!?” Without an automated Package Tracking Solution in place, answering this question can sometimes be a guessing game. With a solution in place, you have the opportunity to not only just answer the question but also give the inquirer the confidence that you know what you’re talking about. Instead of saying, “I think it went out for delivery around noon,” you can reply, “It left with Darren from our facility at 12:04 PM for delivery.” Which do you think customers would rather hear?
  3. Time Consuming, Error Prone Hand-Written Process – Time is of the essence….No, really! There are very few jobs out there today where there isn’t a near constant sense of urgency. For those working in settings where delivery of items makes up your day, a Package Tracking System is invaluable. Instead of logging items onto paper sheets or manually entering them into a spreadsheet, a solid Package Tracking Solution makes use of time saving technology such as mobile computers, barcode scanners (ie. the Honeywell Xenon 1900G), and magnetic stripe readers. Not to mention what happens when you incorrectly write down a tracking number or recipient’s name. In these cases you can really have egg on your face and a Package Tracking Solution can help save the day by eliminating such errors!
  4. Cost of Lost Packages – It’s a given. If you work in a setting where items are being delivered or received, eventually, somewhere/sometime/something is going to get LOST! Now that’s a four letter word if I’ve ever heard it. Whether it is a $400 dollar cell phone or Grandma’s Heirloom quilt that was just dry-cleaned, the headache is all the same. Did we lose it? Might we be able to find it? Who knows….unless you have a Package Tracking Solution. In these instances, such a solution can greatly help narrow the possibilities down and may even help locate the item. Why wouldn’t you want the insurance and peace of mind that such a solution can bring?
  5. Number of Packages and Items Tracked is Growing! – If you think somehow that the number of items you need to track is going to decrease, you’re fooling yourself. In the case of college campuses, for example, the number of packages mailed to these institutions has increased 10 times in 10 years with e-commerce sites like Amazon.com and Ebay. In service businesses like dry-cleaning, business is inevitably growing as well with everyone having less and less time in their day to take care of their personal lives like laundering their clothing. If your manual and paper-based system hasn’t exploded at the seams yet, it will, so stay ahead of the headaches with a Package Tracking Solution.

If after reading these five reasons why a Package Tracking Solution might be right for you, you have any questions or are really pondering if you should look into such a system, give us a call at 1-800-830-9523. We will work with you to understand the specifics of your situation and suggest a solution that will best fit your needs. If we can’t help you, we’ll tell you that too!

Trevor headshotAbout the Author:

Trevor is a Solutions Sales Engineer at L-Tron Corporation and uses his broad experience in engineering and operations to help customers find solutions that meet their needs. In his spare time, Trevor likes to feed fish while pretending to be an accomplished angler. Trevor can be reached at info@L-Tron.com or 800-830-9523.